Why "balikbayan"?..ni maknanya "returnee"...pulang ke tanahair la...well..its Manila again...my second home. But for this visit obviously during the fasting month..hehehe...and with my colleague Siti, musafir di angin lalu la jawabnya...how can we missed the food at the Golden Lounge and onboard...rugi woo naik business class tak makan..wakakakak...
But the worst part is yang buat Siti sentap is...upon arrival at the airport in Manila, a girl was greeting to us.."Hi Mam, Welcome Home"...its normal for me but for my fren who first time arrive in Manila its quite shocking! Maka2 muka dah standard Filipinas...hahaha...
Apa nak jadi la....muka2 yg dah kenyanggggg...........
Sampai2 Manila it was rainy season...typhoon ! Check in hotel then we went to the nearest shooping area Greenhills...but saja jer tahan nafsu si Siti...banyak lagi tempat yg dia tak tau...
After settle all the Food Promotion events and attending all meetings..apa lagi shopping day laaa...and we went to a damn cheap place called 168..again! but this time we went to place very remote behind 168!! its kinda dangerous place but we survived...something like Petaling Street but 10 times horror but 10 times cheaper than normal place. Siti borong soft toys and le sport sac's pouchs, and both of us borong Wig..well since kat ofis ada geng the Wiggies...hahaha...really cheap for RM 50 u get a nice and almost natural wigs. This is what we had by end of the day...hahaha...hillarious! rasanya bellboy tu seronok dapat tips lebih!
dah penat shopping, jalan2 then later at night we had dinner with my Local Staff Bea & Martin..well on last day we manage to found a place for ladies..ADONIS Club..hahahha...syyyhhh tak mo citer kat sini..rahsia...but we had a great time and its proven that Martin is not GAY!!! Talaga!!! ermmm...ADONIS....napa la dari dulu aku x jumpa club tuh...
sebelum pi ADONIS singgah dulu tgk hal2 keje...nak cover kononnnn....
Happy face heading to ADONISSSS....
Hmm...5 days in Manila...we had a great time...sambil keje sambil leaisure kan....ermmm...miss to dive in Boracay...i'll be there again someday...
Err..lupa..i had another niece..Emyra Zara when i'm in Manila, born 10.9.2008...
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